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Classroom Approach
Small group tutoring delivered by fully qualified teachers
Teaching is provided by fully qualified, experienced teachers who have been trained to deliver our specialised courses.
Classes are never bigger than 12 children and some groups are smaller - dependent upon the demand at the time.
A classroom assistant is often on hand to help children on an individual basis.
We've found that smaller groups encourage children to participate in the learning and not be too scared to ask questions when they do not understand.
We believe that this is the best way to tutor young children - and the effectiveness of this approach is s borne out in the excellent results we achieve at Extra Ambition.

Kari Sidhu BA (Hons) PGCE
Kari has many years of teaching experience, across the primary, secondary and FE sector.
"I just want to say a huge thank you for helping my son pass his 11+ for Reading School. He has loved coming to your lessons each Sunday and the hard work has all been so worth it. We are over the moon!"
Mrs R Sharma.
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